
Activating your workday

Activating your workday

Activating your workday

We specialize in corporate wellness, promoting physical well-being in the workplace. Our tailored programs foster a culture of vitality and engagement, helping companies thrive.

We specialize in corporate wellness, promoting physical well-being in the workplace. Our tailored programs foster a culture of vitality and engagement, helping companies thrive.

Enhance every aspect of your business sales, ensuring satisfaction, loyalty, and unparalleled service. 

Thanks to AI of course.

Companies that trust us


Enhance the health, wellness, and fitness culture within your company.

At PD Active, we recognize the demands of a bustling workday and the significance of prioritizing your team's well-being. That's why we provide inventive solutions tailored to keep your employees refreshed and energized throughout their day. Whether it's through quick stretching routines or targeted exercises, our aim is to support your team in staying focused and productive

Enjoy the benefits

Physical Well-being

Active breaks combat the negative effects of sedentarism, like stiffness and posture related pain.

Mental Refreshment

Movement releases endorphins, reducing stress and boosting mood, which helps combat burnout.

Productivity Boost

Short active breaks fight mental fatigue, enhancing focus and cognitive function for better work performance.

Positive Environment

Prioritizing employee health through active breaks fosters a supportive and inclusive company culture, enhancing job satisfaction and retention.

Team Bonding

Group activities during breaks build camaraderie, improve communication, and strengthen team dynamics.

Healthier Workforce

Active breaks can decrease absenteeism by promoting overall well-being and preventing illness and injury.


Plans for everybody

Join us in prioritizing your health and vitality during the workday, one active break at a time.




Biweekly Active Break Sessions

Graphic Resources

Monthly Excercise Routine

Slack Consultation

One-on-One Appointments




Weekly Active Break Sessions

Graphic Resources

Monthly Excercise Routine

Slack Consultation

One-on-One Appointments




Twice a Week Active Break Sessions

Graphic Resources

Monthly Excercise Routine

Slack Consultation

One-on-One Appointments

Tailored Solutions

Unlock the perfect fit for your needs with our custom service offerings. Contact us to explore how we can tailor our services specifically to meet your unique goals.

Free trial

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Money back guarantee


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